Are you experiencing dissatisfaction with an aspect of your life and work? Feeling stuck? Seeing others happy in their lives enjoying the success that somehow eludes you? Do you ask yourself why, and how can I get rid of those thoughts and things in my life that I don’t want and replace them with what I do want?
The answers to these questions and the resources you need to be able to live the life of your dreams are closer than you think. In fact they sit waiting to be uncovered in your own unconscious mind, and only you can access that inner knowledge, power and drive. If you want to move from where you are to where you want to be, both mentally and physically, to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions, and to live your highest and wildest dreams NOW, then breakthrough coaching can help you fast track this process.
Your dreams shape your goals and your goals shape your life. Unfortunately for many their achievement of happiness is only mediocre at best because they have managed their expectations based on fears of failure, settling for less to avoid disappointment, allowing self-limiting beliefs to stifle the realisation of their full potential. The intervention of good effective coaching can turn this around, and Breakthrough Coaching accelerates the achievement of goals more quickly, by helping you overcome those fears and other negative emotions easily and effortlessly. Smashing through the self-limiting barriers that stand in your way once and for all.
Breakthrough coaching is all about empowering you to take back control and responsibility for your own success. Using a creative blend of the very best tools and techniques from the fields of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), executive coaching, time-line therapy (TLT™) and hypnosis, the breakthrough sessions are designed especially for you and only you. The bespoke approach respects the story of who you are and how you got here; it also encourages you to explore better alternative stories that resonate with your core identity, prime concerns and values. With over twenty years experience in leadership, business and executive coaching Dr Ron Lawson is a Master Coach and Master NLP Practitioner in TLT™ and Hyponosis. He is also a leading academic educator of coaches at Masters Degree level and a special advisor with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). Ron believes that everyone has the ability to breakthrough his or her own self-limiting barriers to success, and that the process can be both quick and easy through breakthrough coaching.
Whilst the breakthrough coaching tools, techniques and models used are specifically designed for each client, in general they consist of one full day of 1-2-1 NLP coaching followed up by three goal busting 1-2-1 coaching sessions at the end of week one, month one and finally at the end of month three.
Just imagine for a moment that you have broken through your self-limiting barriers and are happy with every aspect of your life and work. Feel the freedom of living out your new life story to a script that you have created and written. See a better version of yourself in the mirror happy in your newfound success. Now, ask yourself what am I waiting for? let’s do this!!!
Whether it’s a business breakthrough you are looking for to start, build or to take you and your business to a next level; whether you feel a health and wellbeing breakthrough would better suit your mental and physical needs, or whether you want a change in direction or to accomplish your personal best in life.